
Thursday, 23 February 2012

Tony Hawks Retire

Skateboarding is one of the best sports America tony hawk learnt how to skate when he was 5 years old. Now tony hawk retired from skateboarding befor tony hawk was the best skateboarder in the world he is also rich he even has a skate park for a back yard and he is teaching he youngest son so how skate his oldest son is a street skater. Tony Hawks best friend bam magera he's in a t.v show the name of his show is jacka** his last movie is jacka** 3.5 now i think bam magera is the best. Now i think bam magera is the best skater in the world.

Thursday, 16 February 2012


we have been learning about what the celery looked like in a couple of day in blue liquid
and it was green at the top with blue spots and blue at the bottom of the celery